Everything and Anything Wiki

I would react badly to the slightest hint of hesitance…

Rosethorn grinned at Stormpath. "Ya wanna go hunting?" She asked. Stormpath turned around. He hesitated a moment, and said nothing. Rosethorn growled and took off by herself.

He'd bend akwardly to suit my mood no word from his defense…

Stormpath took off after Rosethorn. The tom never slowed down once while chasing her.

I'd cry knowing how my tears felt like acid burning through his skin…

Rosethorn sat in her cave by the herb garden. Thr pretty she-cat knew all truths.

I'fe pushed every button but the right one that would let me in…

Rosethorn pushed her memories to the back of her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she could forget the time when she saw Stormpath talking to Mosswhisker and she had pushed her way between them to give Stormpath a rose.

Now he's afraid of me…

Stormpath stopped in front of the great oak. He had realized something.

He's afraid of me…

Stormpath had grown scared of Rosethorn. All her threats to Mosswhisker scared him. He tried not to show his fear as he raced back to camp.

It took me by surprise… the hatred in his eyes…

Rosethorn helped the elders escape from the blazing camp. She noticed Stormpath helping Mosswhisker up a path to escape through a stone tunnel. Rosethorn raced up and blocked it. She snarled at Stormpath. "You've HURT me Stormpath. No pain could amount to that. No pain… except for burning in flames. The clan doesn't need you, Mosswhisker, OR your pathetic unborn kits." Rosethorn glared. Stormpath reached out his paw, he grabbed the fur on Rosethorn's shoulder and renched it out. He was angry, and he seemed to hate Rosethorn.

Ive pushed this man as far as he could go…

Rosthorn faught back by tackling Stormpath. The two wrestled on the narrow cliff, not knowing that they could fall off at any moment.

